3.3.3 |
Increase javascript and css resource compression |
3.3.2 |
Fixed issue #263 (TreeBox does not work after update dependency) |
3.3.1 |
- Fixed issue #259 (NPE on number component)
- Bump npm and node to latest version
3.3.0 |
Upgrade Bootstrap from 4.3.1 to 4.4.1 |
3.2.0 |
Switch to Jakarta EE 8 |
3.1.3 |
- Textarea: Fixed misleading character count
- Number: Fixed initializing Component with 0 when clicking buttons first time
- Radiobox: Fixed alignment
3.1.2 |
- Fixed critical ajax bug when using JSF2.3
- Fixed calendar when using ajax function
3.1.1 |
- Upgrade jQuery from 3.3.1 to 3.4.1
- Upgrade inputmask from 3.3.11 to 4.0.8
- Upgrade popper.js from 1.14.7 to 1.15.0
- Upgrade typescript from 3.3.3333 to 3.4.5
- Activate JDK 12 build
3.1.0 |
Upgrade Bootstrap from 4.2.1 to 4.3.1 |
3.0.7 |
- Upgrade Bootstrap to 4.2.1
- Fixes showcase tags distinct bug
- Replace custom checkbox switch by new Bootstrap feature
- Upgrade trivial components to 0.1.20
- Upgrade Calendar component Tempus Dominus to 5.1.2
3.0.6 |
- Upgrade Calendar component Tempus Dominus to 5.1.1
- Fixed input component height
- Fixed input component width when hideLable property is set
- Automatically close tooltip on blur input component
- Add web.xml parameter org.butterfaces.tooltip.position.label to add tooltip to label instead of whole component
3.0.5 |
Upgrade Bootstrap from 4.1.2 to 4.1.3 |
3.0.4 |
Upgrade Bootstrap from 4.1.1 to 4.1.2 |
3.0.3 |
Upgrade Calendar component Tempus Dominus to 5.0.1 |
3.0.2 |
Upgrade Bootstrap to 4.1.1 |
3.0.1 |
Fixed client side table filtering |
3.0.0 |
JEE 8 release of 3.0.0-JEE7. JEE8 is required. See 3.0.0-JEE7 for release notes. |
3.0.0-JEE7 |
- Upgrade Bootstrap from 3.3.7 to 4.0.0
- Upgrade calendar component javascript to a new Bootstrap 4 version with more locale support
- Add switch attribute to checkbox component to enable a toggle behaviour
- Introduce showdown.js 1.8.6 to support more markdown features
- Upgrade javascript library trivial components to 0.1.16
- Upgrade javascript library jQuery to 3.2.1
- Introduce javascript library popper.js 1.12.9
- Upgrade miscellaneous dev javascript library to latest versions (like typescript)
- Removed bower from build process
- All de.larmic.butterfaces packages has been renamed to org.butterfaces
- Maven groupId has been renamed from de.larmic.butterfaces to org.butterfaces
2.1.25 |
Fixed issue #127 (fixed position of validation message on calendar component) |
2.1.24 |
Fixed issue #120 (fixed validation on required fields with empty space) |
2.1.23 |
Fixed issue #123 (markdown javascript fix) |
2.1.22 |
Fixed issue #121 (cross site scripting) |
2.1.21 |
Fixed issue when using semicolon in command link id |
2.1.20 |
Fixed issue when using calendar component without language. In this case browser language will be used. |
2.1.19 |
- Upgrade showcase wildfly swarm to latest release
- Prepare docker image for showcase
- #97 Fixed issue using ' in tags component
2.1.18 |
Add web.xml parameter to toggle "showClearButton" in b:treeBox |
2.1.17 |
Some dependency maintenance like upgrade wildfly swarm |
2.1.15 |
Bugfixing building javascript bundles for inputmask jQuery plugin |
2.1.14 |
Bugfixing issue when using tags component without white space as confirm key |
2.1.13 |
Bugfixing ajax problem with TreeBox component. |
2.1.12 |
- Update trivial components to latest version
- Update dateTimePicker to latest version
- Technical updates like nodejs and bower
2.1.11 |
- Fixed z-index of TreeBox component when using modal panels.
- Improved toString() usage in TreeBox component
2.1.10 |
- Upgrade JQuery from 2.1.4 to 2.2.4
- Upgrade Bootstrap from 3.3.6 to 3.3.7
2.1.9 |
Fixed ignoring mustache keys in TreeBox component. |
2.1.8 |
Better PrimeFaces integration. No additional configuration is needed. It works out-of-the-box. |
2.1.7 |
Add multiline placeholder support for textarea and markdown components |
2.1.6 |
Fixed using autoComplete without using f:ajax |
2.1.5 |
Clicking on label will set focus to input components (except trivial components) |
2.1.4 |
- New faster table component
- tree component supports style and styleClass attribute
- Repeat component receives status attribute
- maskedText component supports more functions of inputMask-javascript plugin
2.1.3 |
Accelerate ajax rendering of table component up to factor 2.5 |
2.1.2 |
Fixed localization bug in character counter of testarea component |
2.1.1 |
web.xml parameter org.butterfaces.maxLengthText allows to use custom text for textarea and markdown counter |
2.1.1 |
Fix a problem with b:repeat and MyFaces 2.1.x |
2.1.0 |
- Fixed autocomplete bug when using MyFaces 2.1.x
- Fixed ajax bug when using MyFaces 2.1.x
- Radiobox components comes with template support
2.0.0 |
- combobox has been removed and replaced by treebox
- new web.xml parameter org.butterfaces.autoTrimInputFields activates auto trim for input fields (true by default)
2.0.0.CR1 |
radioBox relieves Mojarra |
1.11.1 |
- treeBox component comes with dot notation support for mustache syntax
- ajaxDisableRenderRegionsOnRequest is supported by web.xml
- noEntriesText is supported by web.xml
- Fix bug when using readonly checkbox and form submit
1.11.0 |
table component relieves Mojarra and Bootstrap upgrade from 3.3.5 to 3.3.6 |
1.10.5 |
Second CR of treeBox component |
1.10.4 |
- First CR of treeBox component
- checkbox component relieves Mojarra
1.9.14 |
textarea component relieves Mojarra |
1.9.13 |
new repeat component |
1.9.0 |
- All text components are MyFaces compatible
- Calendar
- Tags
- Text
- MaskedText
- Secret
- Number
- Tags component switched to https://trivial-components.github.io/trivial-components/. It comes with a new design.
- Tree component switched to https://trivial-components.github.io/trivial-components/. It comes with a new design.
- ButterFaces code has been moved to GitHub
1.8.4 |
Table columns ordering support |
1.7.13 |
new tooltip component |